Recognizing MPA Members

Sadly, Minnesota lost three distinguished psychologists over the past couple of months.

Bill Percy
Bill was a long time member and leader at MPA. Bill worked at HSI in Washington County (now Canvas Health) and the Range Mental Health Center. Bill was also a long time consulting editor for the Minnesota Psychologist.

Will Grove
Will was long time Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University and was also a volunteer at Walk-In Counseling for many years. 

Adrienne Barnwell
Adrienne had a forty year career in child and pediatric psychology holding lead positions in pediatric psychology at Regions Hospital, and then Gillette Children’s Specialty Health.
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JESSICA WILLOCK - Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Am so grateful to this great man Prophet who has brought happiness back into my life, to start with, i saw a testimony about Prophet Isaac how he helped someone in bringing back her ex within 48hours so i decided to give Prophet Isaac a chance in bringing back my lover who left me for 3years, and he said my lover will be back sooner than i could ever imagine. As soon as it was 48hours my lover Louis called me and said he was sorry for every single thing he has done to me, i am so happy to have him back in my life, what would i have done if not for you Prophet Isaac i will always give you thanks, you can reach Prophet Isaac on his email [email protected] or WhatsApp: +27606307392

JESSICA WILLOCK - Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Am so grateful to this great man Prophet who has brought happiness back into my life, to start with, i saw a testimony about Prophet Isaac how he helped someone in bringing back her ex within 48hours so i decided to give Prophet Isaac a chance in bringing back my lover who left me for 3years, and he said my lover will be back sooner than i could ever imagine. As soon as it was 48hours my lover Louis called me and said he was sorry for every single thing he has done to me, i am so happy to have him back in my life, what would i have done if not for you Prophet Isaac i will always give you thanks, you can reach Prophet Isaac on his email [email protected] or WhatsApp: +27606307392

JESSICA WILLOCK - Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Am so grateful to this great man Prophet who has brought happiness back into my life, to start with, i saw a testimony about Prophet Isaac how he helped someone in bringing back her ex within 48hours so i decided to give Prophet Isaac a chance in bringing back my lover who left me for 3years, and he said my lover will be back sooner than i could ever imagine. As soon as it was 48hours my lover Louis called me and said he was sorry for every single thing he has done to me, i am so happy to have him back in my life, what would i have done if not for you Prophet Isaac i will always give you thanks, you can reach Prophet Isaac on his email [email protected] or WhatsApp: +27606307392

JESSICA WILLOCK - Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Am so grateful to this great man Prophet who has brought happiness back into my life, to start with, i saw a testimony about Prophet Isaac how he helped someone in bringing back her ex within 48hours so i decided to give Prophet Isaac a chance in bringing back my lover who left me for 3years, and he said my lover will be back sooner than i could ever imagine. As soon as it was 48hours my lover Louis called me and said he was sorry for every single thing he has done to me, i am so happy to have him back in my life, what would i have done if not for you Prophet Isaac i will always give you thanks, you can reach Prophet Isaac on his email [email protected] or WhatsApp: +27606307392

JESSICA WILLOCK - Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Am so grateful to this great man Prophet who has brought happiness back into my life, to start with, i saw a testimony about Prophet Isaac how he helped someone in bringing back her ex within 48hours so i decided to give Prophet Isaac a chance in bringing back my lover who left me for 3years, and he said my lover will be back sooner than i could ever imagine. As soon as it was 48hours my lover Louis called me and said he was sorry for every single thing he has done to me, i am so happy to have him back in my life, what would i have done if not for you Prophet Isaac i will always give you thanks, you can reach Prophet Isaac on his email [email protected] or WhatsApp: +27606307392

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