Foreign Student Deportations

How You Can Help

Call Your State Senator and Representative

Please call your members of Congress to ask for their opposition of the ICE mandate, which would result in the deportation of foreign students. Legislative staff track the number of calls they receive on particular topics – the more people that call, the more likely this mandate will cease to exist!

Tips when calling your members of Congress

  • Let the legislative staff know you are a constituent. They are more interested in the opinions of those who live in their state!
  • Note your expertise! Let them know what profession you are in and if you have particular experience with students.
  • Be clear in making your point. Let them know what you want them to do.
  • Add a brief story or way in which this impacts you or those around you.

If you are more comfortable, a sample script follows:

Hello, my name is [insert your name] and I am your constituent from [city and state]. I am calling to ask [senator or representative’s name] to oppose the mandate imposed by ICE that would directly harm foreign students and their ability to continue their education in the United States. Many of these students have already secured housing and basic needs and risk exposing themselves and others to COVID-19 should they be forced to transfer to an on-site program in another part of the state or country. Should they be deported, many students could be met with unsafe living conditions or a complete inability to secure a flight to their country of origin. Allowing the deportation of foreign students will have a direct and negative impact on the U.S. education system and overall economy.

Please oppose this mandate and help foreign students continue their education in the U.S. Thank you for your time and for considering my request for your support.